In the Aminus Dungeon you will find monsters with the level range of 115 to 121.

Normal Monsters

Axe-Jaw Ant
IconNameLevelHPEXPElementWeak against
Blunt Axe-Jaw Ant115425.69583.621
Axe-Jaw Ant115434.27090.311
Sharp Axe-Jaw Ant116442.91597.535
Razor Axe-Jaw Ant1198.858.340798.627
IconNameLevelHPEXPElementWeak against
Small Scorpede115425.69583.621
Creepy Scorpede116442.91597.535
Giant Scorpede1198.858.340798.627
Maul Rat
IconNameLevelHPEXPElementWeak against
Small Maul Rat115425.69583.621
Maul Rat115434.27090.311
Creepy Maul Rat116442.91597.535
Giant Maul Rat1198.858.340798.627
Lykanos the Malevolent
IconNameLevelHPEXPElementWeak against
Lykanos the Malevolent12026.575.0201.597.254
Drakul the Diabolic
IconNameLevelHPEXPElementWeak against
Drakul the Diabolic12179.725.0603.194.508