This page will show the details of how to become a Jester. A jester uses their yo-yo to bash enemies and will later become a Harlequin.

Curenen’s Successor -Jester-

Quest Starting Location: Darkon
Starting NPC:(Jester Master) Lorein
Quest Requirement: Level 60 Acrobat.
Objective: Slay Ren and bring the ring to the Jester Wise Man, Radyon.
Reward:This quest has no rewards

Quest dialogue:
“Fast as the wind! Silent as a shadow! Ha, so you fell to the charms of a Jester? Jesters may not be as powerful as a Knight or a Blade, but we make up for it with stealth and quickness. Oh, quit fawning, it’s quite annoying. Haha. Alright! It seems as though you are yearning to be a Jester, so I’ll give you a tip. Jesters are a group of secretive and liberated people! We don’t accept just anyone. But, if you get the approval of Sage Radyon, you can become a Jester. Hey, hold on a minute! I’m not done talking! That person does not just approve of anyone. Rumor has it that Radyon had a mischievous student named Ren who took Radyons precious ring and ran away. It is said that he had an evil heart and turned into a monster. If you find that ring and bring it to Radyon, he might approve of you.”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“I heard that Ren is hanging around south of Saint Morning somewhere. You should go there and do away with him. Ha, even I think I am such a nice person, right?”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“That’s how much you wanted to be a Jester? Pfft. So much for admiration…”

During Quest dialogue:
“Find Ren’s ring and go find the Jester Wise Man, Radyon. Wow… I think I am too nice.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“What? You’re telling me you went and met that mischievous Ren? You didn’t happen to find the ring, did you? Oh wow! This is the ring I’ve been looking for. Thank you so much!”

Starts at
(Jester Master) Lorein
Ends at
(Sage) Radyon

Radyon’s Task -Jester-

Quest Starting Location: Northern Flaris
Starting NPC: (Sage) Radyon
Quest Requirement: Level 60 Acrobat, must have completed the Curenen’s Successor -Jester-.
Objective: Slay 10 Tombstone Bearers at the Garden of Rhisis, then return to Jester Wise Man Radyon.
Reward: Mark of Hero

Quest dialogue:
“That little fellow couldn’t have just given up that ring so easily. You must possess some kind of great talent. You didn’t bring this ring to me for no reason… What is it that you want? I see, so you want to become a Jester? I can see you already have some skills in order to defeat Ren… but it could also be luck. If you complete the task I am going to give you, I will approve of you completely. Defeating Ren wasn’t that hard of a task. Go to the Garden of Rhisis and kill 10 Tombstone Bearers. How about it, can you complete this task? “

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Alright, I will trust you. Slay 10 Tombstone Bearers at the Garden of Rhisis. I will pray for your safety.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“So it does seem like luck when you defeated Ren. I knew it had to be.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Just because you are strong doesn’t mean you should take the Tombstone Bearers lightly. They possess superhuman strength. Hurry to the Garden of Rhisis and slay 10 Tombstone Bearers, then come back.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You did defeat 10 Tombstone Bearers like you promised. I knew you could do it.”

Starts at
(Sage) Radyon
Ends at
(Sage) Radyon

Jester Priest Homeit -Jester-

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: (Sage) Radyon
Quest Requirement: Level 60 Acrobat, must have completed the Radyon’s Task -Jester-.
Objective: Deliver the Mark of Hero to the Jester Priest Homeit.
Reward: This quest has no rewards

Quest dialogue:
“Alright, as promised, I will help you in becoming a worthy Jester. But there is more to it than this. You need to meet the Jester Priest Homeit and get a sense of what a Jester is. I will give you this Mark of Hero that shows that I believe you are ready to become a Jester. Go show this to Homeit. She will know right away if you are capable of becoming a Jester.”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“The Jester Priest Homeit is located in Magmient in Darkon 3. She is waiting anxiously for who the next Jester successor will be so she will be happy to see you.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Have you changed your mind already? Well there is nothing I can do. You shouldn’t waste people’s time if you aren’t ready.”

During Quest dialogue:
“If you want to become a Jester, go find the Jester Priest in Magmient in Darkon 3. If you’re desperate, you can look in your quest window.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You don’t have to speak, for I already know – the strength and power I feel from you, speaks for you! You have come to me in order to become a Jester.”

Starts at
(Sage) Radyon
Ends at
(Jester Priest) Homeit
Darkon 3

Jester Guardian -Succession-

Quest Starting Location: Darkon 3
Starting NPC: (Jester Priest) Homeit
Quest Requirement: Level 60 Acrobat, must have completed the Ringmaster Jester Priest Homeit -Jester-.
Objective: Retrieve Venel’s Heart and bring it to the Jester Guardian, Heingard.
Reward: 80 Skill Points, and Jester job.

Quest dialogue:
“I have received the Mark of Hero. Our role as Priests is to guide people like you in the right direction to become a legend. Just by looking at you, I can tell you will be a good Jester. But with only my strength alone I cannot turn you into a Jester. The final ritual has to be completed by the Jester Guardian, Heingard. Are you ready to be born again into a Jester? Langard Poe Em Loeiahn!! Does your body feel lighter? Don’t be too impressed yet. There is still a final ritual that needs to be completed. Go defeat the Venel Guardian located in Guardiane. Take his heart and bring it to Heingard. When all this is done, you will finally become a Jester.”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“The Venel Guardian is located in the room of the Guardian. In order to complete the ritual, you need to take his heart and bring it to Heingard in Guardiane.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“I see you’ve heard about the Venel Guardian? It is very difficult for a normal Acrobat to approach and defeat. It’s a pity that you’ve come this far to quit now.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Everyone will be happy that a new Jester is born. The stealth, strength, and agility of our wise Curenen will carry you through, and bring forth a good change to Madrigal. Shine as the newest Jester! “

Completed Quest dialogue:
“I knew you would be coming. A strong wind was blowing from afar, and I sensed that a new Hero would be coming soon. So are you ready? Have you brought Venel’s Heart? Everyone will be happy that a new Jester is born. The stealth, strength, and agility of our wise Curenen will carry you through, and bring forth a good change to Madrigal. Shine as the newest Jester! “

Starts at
(Jester Priest) Homeit
Darkon 3
Ends at
(Jester Guardian) Heingard
Darkon 3