This page will show the details of the whole Adventurer of this world questline. This quest will give you a Magic Broom together with EXP.

Adventurer of this world

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Starting NPC: Vaelishe
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15
Objective: Kill 5 Aibatts and 3 Mushpangs.
Reward: 20 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Welcome Vagrant! My name is Is, I help guide all the Vagrants here. Since you are new in town, I’ll give you a simple mission that will help you get up to speed. There are many Aibatts and Mushpangs that wander near the town and cause trouble for some of the residents. Can you help me by killing 5 Aibatts and 3 Mushpangs?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“There are plenty of Aibatts and Mushpangs to hunt. Please take caution and try not to get surrounded.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“This mission is really simple! If you can’t do this, I don’t see how you can survive out there…”

During Quest dialogue:
“Kill 5 Aibatts and 3 Mushpangs.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Already done I see. You sure have qualities of a great adventurer but, you’re not quite there yet. Come see me again and I might have something for you to prove your worth.”

Starts at
Ends at

Adventurer of this world 2

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Starting NPC: Vaelishe
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Adventurer of this world.
Objective: Visit Teshar in Eastern Flarine.
Reward: 30 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“My sister is in charge of the Soldiers of Kion. She should be able to help you get a better understanding of how things work around here. Would you like to meet her now? “

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“My sister’s name is Teshar. You can find her around Eastern Flaris. “

Denying Quest dialogue:
“I don’t think you should pass an opportunity like this.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Have you met my sister yet? She does not like to wait. Please see her as soon as you can!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“I see… My sister has sent you here to meet me.”

Starts at
Ends at

The Soldiers of Kion

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Adventurer of this world 2.
Objective: Speak with Tomba.
Reward: 40 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“The Soldiers of Kion are made up of the finest and skilled adventurers. Don’t be fooled by their appearance… Their skills and might will make you think otherwise. You want to join The Soldiers of Kion? I may be the Chief but we act and decide as a group. I need you to convince Tomba that you are worthy and strong enough to join us. Can you do that for me?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Don’t let his looks fool you, he’s one of our younger members.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“What’s wrong you scared of talking to him? He’s not going to crush you…I think.”

During Quest dialogue:
“See that burly man over there, that’s Tomba. Please go speak with him.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You join The Soldiers of Kion? Don’t make me laugh! You look about as useful as an Aibatt!”

Starts at
Ends at

Test your might 1

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Tomba
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Soldiers of Kion.
Objective: Kill 10 Pukepukes and 5 Burudengs. Report to Tomba when you’re done.
Reward: 50 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“The Chief may have accepted you but, it still doesn’t prove anything! I’m convinced that you don’t have what it takes to join the Soldiers of Kion. You’re a stubborn one aren’t ya? Alright, show me what you’re made of. If you can kill 10 Pukepukes and 5 Burudengs, you’ve got my respect. Think you can handle that?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Very well, don’t come back until you’re done.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Coward! Don’t waste my time.”

During Quest dialogue:
“What are you still doing here? Crush them before I crush you!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Didn’t think you could actually do it. Well, you’ve earned my respect!”

Starts at
Ends at

Test your might 2

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Tomba
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Test your might 1.
Objective: Speak to Teshar.
Reward: 70 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Teshar wants to see you, she has a new mission for you scrub. Can you meet her now?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Well, what are you waiting for? Please see her now.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“I thought you were excited to become one of us. Hmph!”

During Quest dialogue:
“Do I look like Teshar to you?! She’s right there!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You convinced that stubborn Tomba? You might fit in after all.”

Starts at
Ends at

The First Mission

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Test your might 2.
Objective: Go meet Hachal in the Bubble Plain.
Reward: 100 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I have a mission for you, new recruit. I need you to go visit Hachal who has requested for our assistance. Can you find out what happened?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“You can find Hachal in the Bubble Plain on the west side of Flaris. Please get there as soon as possible.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Don’t tell me you’re bailing on us now! It’s only the first mission!”

During Quest dialogue:
“Still here? Please don’t keep Hachal waiting.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“A new recruit from the Soldiers of Kion. They seem to let anyone join these days.”

Starts at
Ends at

Peakyturtle Research

Quest Starting Location: Plain of Bubble
Starting NPC: Hachal
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The First Mission.
Objective: Extract one Peakyrind from a Peakyturtle.
Reward: 200 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“My name is Hachal, I am conducting some research on the Peakyturtles in the area. I need to obtain a piece of Peakyrind for my research. Can you help extract one for me?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Thank you very much. There are plenty of Peakyturtles around the area.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“If you don’t want to do it, then bring me someone who will.”

During Quest dialogue:
“I’m still waiting for that Peakyrind…”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You’ve definitely help me take out the dirty work to get this for me. Thank you!”

Starts at
Ends at

Mission complete

Quest Starting Location: Plain of Bubble
Starting NPC: Hachal
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Peakyturtle Research.
Objective: Report back to Teshar.
Reward: 250 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I didn’t think the Soldiers of Kion were capable, but you’ve proved me wrong. Can you go back and report to Teshar?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“I will certainly call upon the Soldiers of Kion the next time I need help. Thanks again!”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“I would certainly love to have you around, but you would only get in the way of my research. “

During Quest dialogue:
“Teshar is waiting. Please report back to her.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Mission completed soldier! The townspeople are beginning to trust us more!”

Starts at
Ends at

Second Mission part 1

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Mission complete.
Objective: Go talk to Rudvihil in Eastern Flarine.
Reward: 300 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Although we have gained some popularity, Rudvihil, still doesn’t trust us. He is very conscientious but I think he has some issues that we can help him out with. Can you please meet with him?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“This is major for us. Rudvihil lives at the mansion on top of the hill nearby. Please see him immediately. “

Denying Quest dialogue:
“The Soldiers of Kion vow to help everyone in need. Discrimination is not an option.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Rudvihil does not wait for anyone. Please see him now.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Did the Soldiers of Kion sent you? I was waiting for that ruffian Tomba. This must be a joke.”

Starts at
Ends at

Second Mission part 2

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Rudvihil
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Second Mission part 1.
Objective: Report back to Teshar.
Reward: 350 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I don’t have any issues of late and I certainly don’t need help from the likes of you. You brats seem to get annoying everyday… If you didn’t hear me the first time, I don’t need your help. Will you leave me alone now?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Good. You guys finally got something right.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Now you’re just being annoying. I don’t need your presence here!”

During Quest dialogue:
“I thought I made myself clear. Let me try again… GO AWAY!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“What did he want? What did he say?”

Starts at
Ends at

Troublemakers part 1

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Second Mission part 2.
Objective: Kill 15 Demians in Madren Town.
Reward: 350 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I don’t think there have been any kids playing around his mansion recently. Unless… It might have been those naughty Demians. They were once good kids until they got into too much trouble. They’ve become monsters… If you can eliminate some of the Demians around the area, I think we can gain some of Rudvihil’s trust. You think you can take some out?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Excellent! Go kill 15 Demians located in Madren Town just a bit north from our location.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re scared now.”

During Quest dialogue:
“The Demians may be intimidating, but I think you can handle them. Report back to me when you have killed 15 of them.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You killed 15 of them. Well done!”

Starts at
Ends at

Troublemakers part 2

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Troublemakers part 1.
Objective: Meet Rudvihil.
Reward: 350 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Now that we have solved his problem, he should be able to trust us now. Can you go see him and let him know you have taken care of his issue?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Rudvihil should put a little faith in us now.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“There is no time to waste. Please go see Rudvihil whenever you are done with what you need to do.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Please tell Rudvihil that you have addressed his issue.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“What? You killed a bunch of Demians and you’ve solved my issue? Hahahah!”

Starts at
Ends at

Rudvihil’s Request

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Rudvihil
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Troublemakers part 2.
Objective: Find (High-Dwarpet) Hastan from High-Dwarpet Campsite.
Reward: 350 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“You thought those brats disturbing me were Demians. You have been quite mistaken haha! Those brats were you! I’ll have to admit, I do have a problem I need you to take care of so… don’t talk, just listen. A few weeks ago, I asked Hastan the High Dwarpet to excavate some gold for a vast amount of penya, but he never came back. Can you find what happened to him?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Splendid! I paid him a lot of penya for this gold. Make sure he hasn’t run off with my penya.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Here I thought you can actually do a simple task. Hmph!”

During Quest dialogue:
“Hastan can be found in the Billeting Place of High-Dwarpets, north of Flarine. He is one of the ugliest Dwarpets you will ever see, so it won’t be hard to miss him.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You were sent here by Rudvihil I presume? I’m sure he must be wondering where his gold is at.”

Starts at
Ends at
(High-Dwarpet) Hastan

Gold Rush part 1

Quest Starting Location: High-Dwarpet Campsite
Starting NPC: (High-Dwarpet) Hastan
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Rudvihil’s Request.
Objective: Kill 10 Doridomas and 10 Lawolfs.
Reward: 450 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“If you think that I am trying to run off with his money, I would have done so already. It’s been hard to get his gold for him because the area is teeming with Doridomas and Lawolfs. Since you are here, why don’t you make yourself useful. Can you help me fend off some Doridomas and Lawolfs while I extract some gold? “

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Alright, I will start right away! Doridoma is weaker than Lawolf, so you should take care of that first.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“If I can’t keep these monsters off me, I cannot proceed with the digging.”

During Quest dialogue:
“There are still a few Doridomas and Lawolfs around. Just kill a few more and I should be done soon! “

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Thanks to you, I have been able to extract some precious gold!”

Starts at
(High-Dwarpet) Hastan
Ends at
(High-Dwarpet) Hastan

Gold Rush part 2

Quest Starting Location: High-Dwarpet Campsite
Starting NPC: (High-Dwarpet) Hastan
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Gold Rush part 1.
Objective: Deliver the Shiny Gold to Rudvilhil.
Reward: 500 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I would deliver this gold myself but I cannot bring myself to do it. That Rudvihil is one scary human. Can you please deliver the gold for me? “

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“I appreciate your help, maybe not all humans are as disgusting and mean. I will remain here to do some more excavating.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“I am not going to go back there. I might as well just take his money and gold…”

During Quest dialogue:
“What are you waiting for? I can hear Rudvihil’s voice calling from here.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“At last!!! This is the gold I was waiting for. He kept his side of the bargain after all.”

Starts at
(High-Dwarpet) Hastan
Ends at

Renowned Soldiers of Kion

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Rudvilhil
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Gold Rush part 2.
Objective: Report back to Teshar.
Reward: 500 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“You managed to bring back the gold I’ve been waiting for. You guys are the real deal. I will be calling for the Soldiers of Kion from now on if I need assistance. Can you please send Teshar my regards?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Long live the Soldiers of Kion!”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Once a ruffian, always a ruffian…”

During Quest dialogue:
“Please give my regards to Teshar and the others.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“I cannot explain in words how much you’ve helped us. Thank you for your dedication to the Soldiers of Kion.”

Starts at
Ends at

A Private Request

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Teshar
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the Renowned Soldiers of Kion.
Objective: Meet Gergantes in Northern Flarine.
Reward: 500 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Since you’ve been a big help to us, maybe you can help us with some of our unique clients. Gergantes seem like he needs our help with something. Can you please see what’s his problem?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Gergantes isn’t a very patient man, so go see him quickly.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“If you have something to do, please do it quickly.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Gergantes can be seen stumbling around Northern Flarine.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“I know you *hic*, you’re that person… I have a special request and I think you are the one for the job.”

Starts at
Ends at

The Novelist and his Drink 1

Quest Starting Location: Northern Flarine
Starting NPC: Gergantes
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the A Private Request.
Objective: Meet SsotTta in Eastern Flarine about a special drink.
Reward: 500 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“You may have heard of me, I am Gergantes the famous novelist. If I’m not writing, I’m usually drinking hurr hurr hurr. I can’t seem to concentrate right now and I need a particular drink that will help me. You think you can get some for me?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“I’ve been craving for some of that Tarrin Drink. Go visit SsotTta to see if he has any Tarrin Drink left.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“If you can’t help me, get out of my sight! You’re killing my buzz…”

During Quest dialogue:
“My hands are shaking… Please hurry and get me that drink now!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“That drunkard Gergantes sent you? Haha! Let me see… I don’t have anymore Tarrin Drink left!”

Starts at
Ends at

The Novelist and his Drink part 2

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: SsotTta
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Novelist and his Drink 1.
Objective: Find Dr. Estly near the Haunt of Nyangnyang.
Reward: 600 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“I may have run out of supply, but I can make some if I had any ingredients. You think you can help me get some Tarrin Root so I can make this drink for Gergantes?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“I don’t exactly know where to find this Tarin Root but, I know someone who does. Go see Dr. Estly and he’ll be able to help you.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Not my problem then. I’m not the one getting his drink for him.”

During Quest dialogue:
“What are you still doing here? Dr. Estly can be found north of Flaris near the Feferns.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You need some Tarrin Roots? What would you need those for other than making that horrid drink…”

Starts at
Ends at
Dr. Estly

The Roots of the Request part 1

Quest Starting Location: North Western Flaris
Starting NPC: Dr. Estly
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Novelist and his Drink part 2.
Objective: Collect 5 Tarin Roots from the Ferferns.
Reward: 600 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Tarin Root is the main ingredient to that unique drink. However, you cannot just use the root outright. The Tarin Root contains toxins which I know how to remove. You can only get Tarin Root from those monstrous plants called Feferns. Do you think you can bring some Tarin Roots to me?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Sounds good! Please bring me 5 Tarin Roots as soon as possible. I must remove the toxin as soon as possible.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Are you scared of the Feferns? I’d figured you be brave but, I guess I was wrong. “

During Quest dialogue:
“There are plenty of Feferns in the area. Come back when you got all 5 Tarin Roots.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You got the Tarin Roots! Please give them to me so I can extract the toxins as soon as possible.”

Starts at
Dr. Estly
Ends at
Dr. Estly

The Roots of the Request part 2

Quest Starting Location: North Western Flaris
Starting NPC: Dr. Estly
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Roots of the Request part 1.
Objective: Deliver the Tarin Roots to SsotTta so he can make the Tarin Drink.
Reward: 600 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“These turned out better than I expected. These Tarin Roots will make exceptional Tarin Drink! Can you deliver these Tarin Roots to SsotTta while they are fresh?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“SsotTta will enjoy making some Tarin Drink with these Tarin Roots.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“You made me extract the toxin out for nothing. These will truly go to waste.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Fresh Tarin Roots make the best Tarin Drink. Please deliver these to SsotTta as soon as possible.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You brought me some Tarin Roots. These look great! Please wait while I make some Tarrin Drink.”

Starts at
Dr. Estly
Ends at

The Novelist and his Drink part 3

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: SsotTta
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Roots of the Request part 2.
Objective: Give Gergantes the Tarin Drink.
Reward: 600 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Okay, it’s done! This is some pretty potent stuff! All this hard work sure made me thirsty hahahaha. You don’t expect me to pay you anything. Can you deliver this Tarin Drink to Gergantes?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Take this drink to Gergantes. Make sure you don’t drop any! Trust me, he’ll know!”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“If Gergantes heard you say that, may Rhisis have mercy on you…”

During Quest dialogue:
“Gergantes is getting real impatient. Please deliver the Tarin Drink to him before he goes insane.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“What took you so long?! I was about to lose my mind! Give that to me!”

Starts at
Ends at

The Champion of Kion

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: Gergantes
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Novelist and his Drink part 3.
Objective: Find Vaelishe in Central Flarine.
Reward: 650 EXP

Quest dialogue:
“Wow!!! *HIC* Such a refine taste! I can finally get started writing my masterpiece. By the way, my sister Is was looking for you cause she needed your help. Can you go see what she is worried about?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“*HIC* you can find her at Central Flarine. Leave me to my drink hurr hurr hurr. “

Denying Quest dialogue:
“My sister needs your help you lazy bum!”

During Quest dialogue:
“She really looked concerned. Please don’t make my sister wait.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“I’ve been hearing about you. You’ve been making a name for yourself around here. You look much tougher than when I first saw you.”

Starts at
Ends at

The “Purrfect” solution

Quest Starting Location: Central Flarine
Starting NPC: Vaelishe
Quest Requirement: Level 1 ~ 15, must have completed the The Champion of Kion.
Objective: Hunt 18 Nyangnyangs
Reward: 650 EXP and a Magic Broom

Quest dialogue:
“There is a big problem in Flaris. The Nyangnyangs are reproducing at a fast rate and they are consuming a lot of resources. There will not be enough for us if they keep going like this. We’ll need your help to hunt a few NyangNyangs so their numbers thin out a little. Can you do this for us?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Thank you so much! Please be careful out there!”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“We will run out of resources if no one does anything about this.”

During Quest dialogue:
“You can find them in the Haunt of NyangNyangs. There will be a lot of them so you can’t miss it.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Things are starting to look a little brighter in Flarine thanks to you. Please take this. This is a Magic Broom which can help you fly in the sky. To use the Magic Broom, double-click the icon in your inventory. This will make tavel easier for you. It looks like you have basic skills. You might need a job. When you become Lv 15, you will have a chance to change your job.”

Starts at
Ends at