This page will show the details of how to become an Acrobat. An acrobat uses their bow to shoot arrows at their opponent or their yo-yo to bash them and can later become a Crackshooter or a Harlequin.

Acrobat Federation

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: (Acrobat Trainer) Thunder
Quest Requirement: Level 15 Vagrant.
Objective: Go find (Acrobat Master) Pire in Flarine.
Reward: 1,500 Penya

Quest dialogue:
“Hey, Novice! Yeah, I’m talking to you! You are still a lowly Vagrant. You’ve leveled enough to find a job now. Why don’t you join our Acrobat Federation? What is an Acrobat? Are you KIDDING me? You really ARE a Novice! People who fight enemies with a bow or a yoyo are called Acrobats. Look at me! Don’t you think I am fast on my feet? That is why people call me Thunder. If you want to be an Acrobat that moves like thunder, you should find an Acrobat Master and join the Acrobat Federation. Would you like to join us?”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Okay, though you look a little bit slow. You will improve if you join our Federation and accept your job. You can find the location for the quest by clicking the goal of the quest on the quest window. Press Hotkey Q to open the quest window.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Hm, I see. You look too slow to become an Acrobat, anyway.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Master Pire is in the North square of Flaris with the other masters.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Are you the one that Thunder sent? I think he’s losing his touch. You don’t look that fast.”

Starts at
(Acrobat Trainer) Thunder
Ends at
(Acrobat Master) Pire

Acrobat Master

Quest Starting Location: Northern Flarine
Starting NPC: (Acrobat Master) Pire
Quest Requirement: Level 15 Vagrant, must have completed the Acrobat Federation.
Objective: Collect 5 Forform and go see (Acrobat Trainer) Tailer.
Reward: 1,500 Penya and Label of Technique

Quest dialogue:
“As Thunder already told you many times, we Acrobats pass through the emeny lines with our quickness. Don’t worry! You will get the quickness, when you become a Acrobat. Before that, I need to check if you can protect yourself. No offense. Go bring 5 Forform by killing Mushpang to Acrobat Trainer Tyler. If you pass my test, he will give you a Label of Technique.”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Good, hurry up!. Acrobat is all about the speed! To find Mushpang Press Q to open quest window and click on the target of quest. You will find it more easily.”

Denying Quest dialogue:
“Hmm… Good choice.. It could be a better job for you.”

During Quest dialogue:
“Go see Acrobat Trainer Tyler when you collect Forform. Use hotkey Q more often for quest.”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“You brought the ForForm. I guess you want to become an Acrobat right? “

Starts at
(Acrobat Master) Pire
Ends at
(Acrobat Trainer) Tailer

An Acrobat is Born!

Quest Starting Location: Eastern Flarine
Starting NPC: (Acrobat Trainer) Tailer
Quest Requirement: Level 15 Vagrant, must have completed the Acrobat Master.
Objective: Deliver the Label of Technique to Thunder.
Reward: 1,500 Penya, Re-Skill, Bull Hamstern, Vital Drink X and Activition.

Quest dialogue:
“Wow! You look very slow, but you brought it very quick. Acrobat is not stronger than Mercenary, not fancy as Magician, but it is a good job which have quickness and variety of skills to confuse enemies. Now, Since you have passed Master’s test, I will give you a Label of Technique. If you bring this to Acrobat Instructor Thunder, he will change your job to Acrobat.”

Accepting Quest dialogue:
“Thunder is right next to me. Don’t forget to use Hotkey Q for Quest. “

Denying Quest dialogue:
“You have changed your mind already? That was quick..”

During Quest dialogue:
“Since Thunder is the youngest among Acrobats, but he is the fastest!”

Completed Quest dialogue:
“Oh Rookie! You have finished quicker than I thought and you brought a Label of Technique. Good! I will change your job now! Fighting enemy face to face is not the only way for battle. You hit more and you get hit less is better isn’t it? Here! Take this. This is a gift for you that became an Acrobat. Start your exciting adventure in Madrigal!!”

Starts at
(Acrobat Trainer) Tailer
Ends at
(Acrobat Trainer) Thunder